Roald Harr
18 hours ago
Trying to hide the truth. #Despicable
Roald Harr
4 days ago
Roald Harr
5 days ago
"If you can't run, you can't serve"
Roald Harr
6 days ago
Say anything, do anything just to get money and power. #DispicableBeings
Roald Harr
6 days ago
Conservatives have been saying this about their propaganda lies for decades.
Roald Harr
7 days ago
Roald Harr
7 days ago
On a lighter side. 😂
Terask Tarrasque
9 days ago
Roald Harr
9 days ago
Roald Harr
9 days ago
Is COVID a medical condition?
Roald Harr
9 days ago
‘Unraveled’ = the truth, it's called weather 🤡
Terask Tarrasque
9 days ago
Roald Harr
11 days ago
Biden still lying. #PathologicalLiar The SS director is female.
Roald Harr
12 days ago
Eight Democratic Reps. cosponsored the bill: Troy Carter of Louisiana, Barbara Lee of California, Frederica Wilson of Florida, Yvette Clarke of New York, Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jersey, Jasmine Crockett of Texas, Joyce Beatty of Ohio, and Steve Cohen of Tennessee.
Roald Harr
12 days ago
Roald Harr
12 days ago
😱Vote every ant-American out of office come November.
Roald Harr
12 days ago
Biden for President Rally Results in Utter Humiliation for Campaign: 'More News Reporters Than Attendees'
Terask Tarrasque
12 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
12 days ago
1) The shooter was a Black Rock recruit and a registered Republican 2) The head of the USSS is a female appointed by Biden that immediately changed protocols 3) the USSS sharpshooter was fired for taking the shot that stopped the shooter after being told to stand down! This has the earmarks of a Shadow Government planned event! Add that to Biden's statement days before to put a bull's-eye on Trump! If I can put this together...it's THAT obvious! Can you say Black Swan?
Terask Tarrasque
13 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
13 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
13 days ago
Roald Harr
13 days ago
Mike Johnson needs to censure this hater as well as others citing violence while members of the House.
Roald Harr
13 days ago
Roald Harr
14 days ago
Shocking Investigation Reveals UN’s Role in Illegally Funneling Migrants Into the US
Roald Harr
14 days ago
Follow the money. Check the judge's bank account!
Roald Harr
14 days ago

Roald Harr
14 days ago
So now we know why the Democrat regime is hiring 86,852 agents; to eliminate the middle class so we have a two-tiered wealth system in America.
Roald Harr
14 days ago
It says a lot, that the fake news media outlets can't stop lying.
Roald Harr
15 days ago

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