Terask Tarrasque
8 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
9 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
9 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
10 days ago
Tucker Carlson: ‘Not Crazy’ to Think ’It Wasn’t Just a Lone Gunman’ - YouTube

Two days after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, political commentator Tucker Carlson says, “It’s not crazy to think that there was...

Terask Tarrasque
12 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
12 days ago
1) The shooter was a Black Rock recruit and a registered Republican 2) The head of the USSS is a female appointed by Biden that immediately changed protocols 3) the USSS sharpshooter was fired for taking the shot that stopped the shooter after being told to stand down! This has the earmarks of a Shadow Government planned event! Add that to Biden's statement days before to put a bull's-eye on Trump! If I can put this together...it's THAT obvious! Can you say Black Swan?
Terask Tarrasque
12 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
12 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
12 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
13 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
14 days ago
"Revelation" by John Rich featuring Sonya Isaacs - YouTube


Terask Tarrasque
15 days ago
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16 days ago
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16 days ago
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16 days ago
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16 days ago
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17 days ago
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17 days ago
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18 days ago
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19 days ago
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19 days ago
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20 days ago
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22 days ago
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22 days ago
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23 days ago
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24 days ago
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24 days ago
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25 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
25 days ago
Terask Tarrasque
25 days ago