Roald Harr
18 hours ago
Talk about corruption, he worked for the Teachers' Union before becoming Mayor.
Roald Harr
18 hours ago
All counties in Illinois are pushing the same; pushing to increase taxes by all sneeky means possible to fool the public on Novembers ballot.
Roald Harr
2 days ago
Facebook doing it again. You will see, learn, and believe what they want you to know. #Totalitarian
Roald Harr
2 days ago
Roald Harr
2 days ago
Kamala Harris Got Into Law School Via a Program She Didn't Qualify For... Another Stolen Valor. Another Elizabeth Warren, or Tim Walz.
Roald Harr
3 days ago
Democrats are notorious for denying any negative results on their part. #Pathetic
Roald Harr
3 days ago
Has it gotten bad enough after decades of Left-wing policies? We will see come November. #VoteOutIncumbents

Roald Harr
6 days ago
Candace blows the mind with her investigation including Obama. Wow!
BREAKING: Was Kamala Harris Previously Married?! | Candace Ep 83 https://www.youtube.com/li...
Roald Harr
10 days ago
It's not the Democratic Party of JFK.
Roald Harr
10 days ago
Roald Harr
10 days ago
Roald Harr
10 days ago
"..former President Donald Trump has a tax plan centered on increasing tariffs and ending the income tax."
Roald Harr
14 days ago
Roald Harr
14 days ago
Roald Harr
14 days ago
Roald Harr
14 days ago
Roald Harr
20 days ago
Lets go Democrats. Is it getting bad enough yet? Vote Republican straight line ballot.
Roald Harr
20 days ago
Roald Harr
20 days ago
Roald Harr
20 days ago
Making America a non-Christian nation. It's not the Democratic Party of JFK but Stalin.
Roald Harr
20 days ago
Roald Harr
20 days ago
Kamalal is a habitual liar. Over and over time and again.
She can't be trusted.
I Spoke With Kamala's Uncle! |
Roald Harr
23 days ago
Candice Owens finds out that Kamila Harris's father was born in 1938 and died in 1940. So who is the man she claims to be her father, who by the way a birth certificate can't be found? Kamila Harris's own birth certificate has been altered. Is she an American citizen or an imposter like Obama(his brother says he was born in Kenya, remember) and not eligible to run as President? 😱
Roald Harr
23 days ago
Why do Democrats believe they are someone else? I'm not talking about transgenders here.
Roald Harr
24 days ago
Remember When Liberals Don Lemon Argued Kamala Harris Isn’t African American? 😂
Roald Harr
25 days ago
Liar liar pants on fire. The African American community is up in arms. Trying to pull a Joe Biden stunt to show she is one of them #PatheticallyRacist

Roald Harr
26 days ago (E)
The adulteress should lose true Christian votes.
Roald Harr
29 days ago
Why; so they can cheat in Chicago.
Roald Harr
29 days ago

Roald Harr
29 days ago
Why aren't the FBI, SS, DHS, etc. not providing Congress with information?